Toys and Treats for Tots to Teens
After the success of our previous campaigns, we are working with Children’s Social Care again to provide toys and gifts for children in our area this Christmas who might otherwise receive nothing under their tree.
Santa will be collecting for the food bank at this year’s parade, but it is traditional for Broadstone to collect toys, so we have asked for anything donated to be passed on to us.
Last year we filled a car with gifts and with more families than ever needing the support of social care we would love to repeat this, and make sure that there is no child in Poole that goes without.
Unwrapped gifts suitable for children from babies to teenagers can be brought to the Liberal Hall - 14 York Road, Broadstone from today until Tuesday 13th December between 10am and 12noon and we will pass them to Social Services.
Christmas can be difficult for families, so we want to bring some cheer to those who need a little bit extra - by providing a selection box, box of sweets or chocolate Santa to those who qualify for Free School Meals.
They can be brought to the hall at the same times, and we will distribute them through our contacts at schools before the end of term.
We are aware of around 150 primary age children in Broadstone schools who receive free school meals and there will be others that schools can identify that would benefit from something extra, so please drop in with a treat if you can.
If you would like to donate but the times don’t work for you, gifts and treats can be dropped to the house of Cllr Vikki Slade at any time.
Please email for details.
Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Vikki, Mike & Peter